πŸ”— Chaitin's Constant

πŸ”— Mathematics

In the computer science subfield of algorithmic information theory, a Chaitin constant (Chaitin omega number) or halting probability is a real number that, informally speaking, represents the probability that a randomly constructed program will halt. These numbers are formed from a construction due to Gregory Chaitin.

Although there are infinitely many halting probabilities, one for each method of encoding programs, it is common to use the letter Ξ© to refer to them as if there were only one. Because Ξ© depends on the program encoding used, it is sometimes called Chaitin's construction instead of Chaitin's constant when not referring to any specific encoding.

Each halting probability is a normal and transcendental real number that is not computable, which means that there is no algorithm to compute its digits. Indeed, each halting probability is Martin-LΓΆf random, meaning there is not even any algorithm which can reliably guess its digits.

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