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π The Free Will Theorem
The free will theorem of John H. Conway and Simon B. Kochen states that if we have a free will in the sense that our choices are not a function of the past, then, subject to certain assumptions, so must some elementary particles. Conway and Kochen's paper was published in Foundations of Physics in 2006. In 2009 they published a stronger version of the theorem in the Notices of the AMS. Later, in 2017, Kochen elaborated some details.
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- "The Free Will Theorem" | 2010-07-24 | 33 Upvotes 37 Comments
π Steve Yegge is a "non-notable programmer"
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- "Steve Yegge is a "non-notable programmer"" | 2010-07-16 | 43 Upvotes 79 Comments
π Bokononism: a fictional religion based on harmless untruths
Cat's Cradle is a satirical postmodern novel, with science fiction elements, by American writer Kurt Vonnegut. Vonnegut's fourth novel, it was first published in 1963, exploring and satirizing issues of science, technology, the purpose of religion, and the arms race, often through the use of black humor. After turning down his original thesis in 1947, the University of Chicago awarded Vonnegut his master's degree in anthropology in 1971 for Cat's Cradle.
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- "Bokononism: a fictional religion based on harmless untruths" | 2010-07-10 | 24 Upvotes 4 Comments
π Eggcorn
In linguistics, an eggcorn is an idiosyncratic substitution of a word or phrase for a word or words that sound similar or identical in the speaker's dialect (sometimes called oronyms). The new phrase introduces a meaning that is different from the original but plausible in the same context, such as "old-timers' disease" for "Alzheimer's disease". An eggcorn can be described as an intra-lingual phono-semantic matching, a matching in which the intended word and substitute are from the same language.
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- "Eggcorn" | 2010-07-09 | 14 Upvotes 14 Comments
π Burning Ship Fractal
The Burning Ship fractal, first described and created by Michael Michelitsch and Otto E. RΓΆssler in 1992, is generated by iterating the function:
in the complex plane which will either escape or remain bounded. The difference between this calculation and that for the Mandelbrot set is that the real and imaginary components are set to their respective absolute values before squaring at each iteration. The mapping is non-analytic because its real and imaginary parts do not obey the CauchyβRiemann equations.
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- "Burning Ship Fractal" | 2016-09-26 | 252 Upvotes 65 Comments
π Free beer
Free Beer, originally known as Vores ΓΈl - An open source beer (Danish for: Our Beer), is the first brand of beer with an "open"/"free" brand and recipe. The recipe and trademark elements are published under the Creative Commons CC BY-SA license.
The beer was created in 2004 by students at the IT University in Copenhagen together with artist collective Superflex, to illustrate how concepts of the FOSS movement might be applied outside the digital world. The "Free Beer" concept illustrates also the connection between the long tradition of freely sharing cooking recipes with the FOSS movement, which tries to establish this sharing tradition also for the "recipes" of software, the source code. The "Free beer" concept received an overall positive reception from international press and media for the political message, was presented on many exhibitions and conferences, and inspired many breweries in adopting the concept.
π Guanxi
Guanxi (simplified Chinese: ε ³η³»; traditional Chinese: ιδΏ; pinyin: guΔnxi) defines the fundamental dynamic in personalized social networks of power, and is a crucial system of beliefs in Chinese culture. In Western media, the pinyin romanization of this Chinese word is becoming more widely used instead of the two common translations of itβ"connections" and "relationships"βas neither of those terms sufficiently reflects the wide cultural implications that guanxi describes.
Guanxi plays a fundamental role within the Confucian doctrine, which sees the individual as part of a community and a set of family, hierarchical and friendly relationships. In particular, there is a focus on tacit mutual commitments, reciprocity, and trust, which are the grounds of guanxi and guanxi networks.
Guanxi also has a major influence on the management of businesses based in Mainland China, and businesses owned by Overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia (the latter is known as the bamboo network).
Closely related concepts include that of ganqing, a measure which reflects the depth of feeling within an interpersonal relationship, renqing (δΊΊζ rΓ©nqΓng/jen-ch'ing), the moral obligation to maintain a relationship, and the idea of "face" (ι’ε, miΓ nzi/mien-tzu), which refers to social status, propriety, prestige, or a combination of all three. Other related concepts include wu-lune, which supports the idea of a long term, developing relationship between a business and its client, and yi-ren and ren, which respectively support reciprocity and empathy.
π The First Caucasian Samurai
William Adams may refer to:
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- "The First Caucasian Samurai" | 2010-07-07 | 47 Upvotes 9 Comments
π De Bono's Six Thinking Hats
Six Thinking Hats was written by Dr. Edward de Bono. "Six Thinking Hats" and the associated idea parallel thinking provide a means for groups to plan thinking processes in a detailed and cohesive way, and in doing so to think together more effectively.
In 2005, the tool found some use in the United Kingdom innovation sector, where it was offered by some facilitation companies and had been trialled within the United Kingdom's civil service.
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- "De Bono's Six Thinking Hats" | 2010-07-02 | 24 Upvotes 9 Comments
π Skeuomorph
A skeuomorph () is a derivative object that retains nonfunctional ornamental design cues (attributes) from structures that were inherent to the original. Examples include pottery embellished with imitation rivets reminiscent of similar pots made of metal and a software calendar that imitates the appearance of binding on a paper desk calendar.
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- "Skeuomorph" | 2010-06-25 | 66 Upvotes 47 Comments