Topic: Roots music
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🔗 Säkkijärven polkka
Säkkijärven polkka ("the Säkkijärvi polka"), also called the "Karelian-Finnish Polka," is a well-known folk tune from Finland, very popular with Finnish accordionists. It was especially popularized by Viljo "Vili" Vesterinen (1907–1961). The tune was first recorded in Säkkijärvi (now Kondratyevo in the Leningrad Oblast, Russia), and the lyrics sometimes sung with the tune state that while Säkkijärvi itself might have been lost (ceded to the Soviet Union in 1940), the Finns at least still had the polka.
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- "Säkkijärven polkka" | 2020-05-05 | 172 Upvotes 56 Comments
🔗 Cantu a tenore
The cantu a tenòre (Sardinian: su tenòre, su cuncòrdu, su cuntrà ttu, su cussèrtu, s'agorropamèntu, su cantu a pròa; Italian: canto a tenore) is a style of polyphonic folk singing characteristic of the island of Sardinia (Italy's second largest island), particularly the region of Barbagia, though some other Sardinian sub-regions bear examples of such tradition.
In 2005, UNESCO proclaimed the cantu a tenore to be an example of intangible cultural heritage.
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- "Cantu a tenore" | 2023-03-29 | 69 Upvotes 26 Comments