Topic: Occupations

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πŸ”— Category:Obsolete occupations

πŸ”— Economics πŸ”— Business πŸ”— Sociology πŸ”— Occupations

This is a category of jobs that have been rendered obsolete due to advances in technology and/or social conditions.

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πŸ”— Garden Hermit

πŸ”— Horticulture and Gardening πŸ”— Occupations

Garden hermits or ornamental hermits were hermits encouraged to live in purpose-built hermitages, follies, grottoes, or rockeries on the estates of wealthy landowners, primarily during the 18th century. Such hermits would be encouraged to dress like druids and remain permanently on site, where they could be fed, cared for, and consulted for advice, or viewed for entertainment.

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πŸ”— Obsolete Occupations

πŸ”— Economics πŸ”— Business πŸ”— Sociology πŸ”— Occupations

This is a category of jobs that have been rendered obsolete due to advances in technology and/or social conditions.

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