Topic: Swimming

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πŸ”— Shavarsh Karapetyan

πŸ”— Biography πŸ”— Soviet Union πŸ”— Russia πŸ”— Biography/sports and games πŸ”— Russia/sports and games in Russia πŸ”— Armenia πŸ”— Underwater diving πŸ”— Swimming

Shavarsh Vladimiri (Vladimirovich) Karapetyan (Armenian: Υ‡Υ‘ΥΎΥ‘Φ€Υ· ΤΏΥ‘Φ€Υ‘ΥΊΥ₯ΥΏΥ΅Υ‘ΥΆ; born May 19, 1953) is a retired former Soviet finswimmer, best known for saving the lives of 20 people in a 1976 incident in Yerevan.

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